DEPO’s Founders Meetup: A Catalyst for Innovation and Growth
Last October, DEPO Ventures had a great pleasure of organising a Founders Meetup that served as a beacon of innovation, collaboration, and growth. The event was a precursor to the Engaged Investments Conference and was attended by an eclectic mix of DEPO team members, 30 founders of start-ups from over 12 countries, and our valued Limited Partners (LPs). This event marked the first time that all the parties came together, fostering a vibrant ecosystem that thrives on shared knowledge, mutual growth, and a unified vision.

KB SmartSolutions launches cooperation with DEPO Ventures
Banks and financial technology start-ups (in other words fintechs) represent two different worlds. They have different DNA, speak the different language, and the partnership between them may not be easy. However, it can bring many benefits. Not only for both parties involved, but mainly for the client. KB SmartSolutions, the member of the Komerční banka Group, and the investment company DEPO Ventures currently launch their cooperation. Its main goal is the search for promising start-ups, mainly thanks to the expansion of the joint field of activity. Start-ups with smart solutions that could potentially complement the current portfolio of Komerční banka, under the wings of KB SmartSolutions, will be searched for not only in the Czech Republic, but also beyond its borders, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. The partners also want to jointly support the local start-up ecosystem and strengthen the position of start-ups in the region. Mutual support will also take place in the areas of sponsorship and networking.

Looking back at the Engaged Investments Conference 2022
During this year’s Engaged Investments Conference organized by DEPO Ventures, we welcomed a number of speakers primarily from the CEE and the Baltic regions. They all talked about the current state of investments, as well as what the future of the venture capital ecosystem might bring. Among the main topics discussed this year was the need for cooperation between VCs and angel investors, as well as the potential prospects of cross-border investments. We hope, that after a full day of exciting debates combined with networking, everyone who attended may have come home a bit wiser than they were before.

Rozhovor se Švýcarskou investiční platformou Verve Ventures a jejím vstupu na český trh
Švýcarská investiční platforma Verve Ventures otevírá dveře českým investorům. Ti se budou moci podílet na financování startupů, do nichž zpravidla vstupují jen velké fondy. Přečtěte si rozhovor s Chrisem Gay-Crosierem, vedoucím pro mezinárodní investování, o expanzi na český trh, současné situaci i o jejich úspěších.

Investors will introduce themselves to startups.The Reverse Pitch helps founders choose the best one
Starting a business is always difficult. Without the right business contacts, it is almost impossible to break through. The international syndicate of angel investors DEPO Angels from the DEPO Ventures group will therefore organize a Reverse Pitch event at the end of March, which will help connect startups with investors. Start-up entrepreneurs will be able to expand their network of contacts. While startups will be introduced to dozens of angel investors from Central Europe and the Baltic countries, this works out for investors who will be able to find new investment opportunities.

5th annual Transatlantic Startup Pitch is bringing a stars of Silicon Valley
Dozens of startups from two continents are fighting for the favor of global investors at the Transatlantic Startup Pitch event. The stars of Silicon Valley will also be involved.

How not to fall victim to your own success
Managers in their fifties should not throw the towel in yet; startups are not just for young people. We are entering a period of fluid relations, headhunter Michal Vajskebr and startup investor Petr Šíma both agree.

The Engaged Investment conference hosted important faces, offered workshops and networking
Our annual Engaged Investments Conference brought many business angels and experts together. It was an amazing event and we were overwhelmed by the large number of our participants.

Another Engaged Investment Conference is here!
The Engagement Investment Conference is a one-day event that hosts famous speakers, such as experienced business angels and other experts. They all will talk about investing in startups. This year we aim to support the growth of the European venture capital ecosystem.

A special Central and Eastern Europe edition of Startup pitch event is coming in June
With the development of technology you can invest in startups anywhere in the world.