Research of business angels in the Czech Republic 2020
Financing from business angels is critical to the success of early-stage startups. Recent estimates suggest that Czech Republic has been below the other countries in Europe in terms of both the number of business angels and amount of the investments. Many
details about Czech business angels have escaped public knowledge. To put it simply, there is a lack of knowledge on investment opportunities of Czech business angels.

This report deep dives into investment trends reflecting a growing Czech business angel ecosystem. The report is based on information collected from business angel investors in the Czech Republic and it comprises responses from 100 individual angels who responded to our survey. It analyzes angel capital investments made during 2019, and features information about investment locations, technology investments, problems
investors are facing, and so on. The report is also looking at the impact of COVID-19 pandemic.
Interesting facts
Some of the data you may find very interesting. For example, our report showed that 77% of investors made investment in 2020 even though the world was hit by pandemic. We also found out that most investors prefer to invest in Fintech and AI startups. In addition, only 8% of investors didn’t make any money on investments last year. Furthermore, most investors don’t know where to look for investment projects or with whom to invest. And last but not least, 50% of surveyed people would need help with identifying quality startups.
Other interesting data, such as how successful Czech business angels are or how are Czech investors doing with their ROI and EXIT can be seen in infographics below.
If you want a full pdf report with expert commentary, please fill out the form and we will be more than happy to send it to you.