Fintech attracts angel investors as well as traditional banks. Join us for an online event
Large banks can easily lose their drive. They have long since discovered that their development is not enough and started to look for innovations in the startup world. Fintech is one of the most popular areas where investors put their investments. According to the current DEPO Angels survey, 49 percent of angel investors prefer it. And it is for these reasons, the DEPO Ventures investment group is organizing an online event at which it will present carefully selected startups focused on financial technologies and decentralized finance.

The next FinTech & DeFi Startup Pitch event will take place online on Wednesday, May 11 at 5 p.m. It will feature eight early-stage European startups with a focus on Central Europe and the Baltics. The event is free, but you still need to register on the Eventbrite website.
"Our analytical team is actively scouting across Europe, participating in conferences, summits, and other pitch events, and constantly creating new collaborations. It is much more challenging than passively waiting for startups. Thanks to this we can get high-quality startups not only for our fund and syndicate but also for these events, where other investors and banks are looking for investment opportunities " says Eliška Vámošová, event organizer of DEPO Ventures.
The event is supported by several well-known financial institutions. These include Seed Starter of Česká spořitelna, Mastercard, Komerční banka Smart Solution, Fintech Hub and Verve ventures. Due to growing competition, banks are increasingly interested in early startups and want to take their place in the startup world more firmly than before.
The companies with the highest valuation are just Fintech
The Swedish Klarna was valued at $ 45.6 billion in 2021. That is more than a trillion Czech crowns. And right behind it is, the British startup Revolut with a valuation of $ 33 billion. "These European companies were also small technology startups a few years ago, raising money from investors for their further development. However, the goal of our events is not just to raise funds. Our partners also offer business cooperation, network, and feedback, which is important for entrepreneurs beginners” adds Eliška Vámošová.
For example, Česká spořitelna has already invested in, PalmApp, or Investown through its program. "Through our Seed Starter, we primarily help technology companies in our region increase the Czech Republic's competitiveness," says Seed Starter program leader Jiří Skopový.
Viktor Gřešek, Mastercard's Business Development Manager for the Czech Republic and Slovakia, says that Fintech's position in the Czech Republic and other countries in the region is constantly strengthening. This is also due to such initiatives as pitch events, cooperation with Fintech Hub, strengthening ties in the region, etc. According to him, however, startups are hampered by small markets and the need to scale their products to other EU countries. "Fintech companies that want to have a long-term sustainable position must keep in mind from the beginning that one day they need to be profitable ideally in several markets, even in the current complex geopolitical and economic environment," Gřešek thinks.
"From the point of view of us, like banks, fintech can create solutions that the bank does not have. They bring innovative and user-friendly solutions, build new distribution channels, especially digital segment-specific offerings, and can immerse solutions in third-party environments and the like. On the other hand, the banks bring growth and other resources, such as support in expansion, and some expertise,” says Patrik Nový, KB Smart Solutions Director. "This event is a great opportunity for us to meet with startups, network, and explain what the KBSS is and why we do. This will also add up to the discussions about the fintech" adds Patrik Novy reason why they are partners of the event FinTech & DeFi Startup Pitch.
"As a Fintech Hub, we follow interesting Fintech solutions, helping startups complete the missing 'puzzles', overcoming their pitfalls, and helping them grow. This is interesting for venture capital funds such as DEPO Ventures, with which Fintech Hub keeps open cooperation,” adds Jan Purkrábek from Fintech Hub.
DEPO Ventures has been organizing its regular pitch events for almost three years. They always focus on specific sectors from different regions. Participation in these events has supported more than 200 projects and helped successfully finance companies such as Tatum, Ringil, SmartGuide, Drivex, BikeFair, and so on.