Business Angels in The Czech Republic Survey 2020
The quantity and quality of business angels is essential for functioning of the startup community. To be able to help we need to know something about czech angel investors and what kind of help they would appreciate. That is why we are organising this survey for the second time. Finally, we would like to know the opinion of those who do not invest. The results will be publicly available. The survey will take a few minutes. The answers are anonymous. Click below to start.

We have been striving for the growth of the angel community in the Czech Republic for some time now. we have an incubator for business angels, the angel network and we are setting up angel syndicates. Everything to help new investors and thus reduce investment risk.
Thanks to my efforts to help the community, I became a member of EBAN (European Business Angels Network) so I can use the experience of other board members to improve angel investing in our country. Io be able to help we need to know something about angel investors and what kind of help they would appreciate. That is why we are organizing this survey for the second time.
Finally, we would like to know the opinion of those who do not invest - is it because they are not interested, do not know how to start? Therefore, I ask for a short answer even to those who are not angel investors. The survey will take a few minutes. It will allow us and you to get an idea of how we stand in the European comparison. The answers are anonymous, although we are happy to stay in touch with everyone who cares of course. The results will be publicly available.
Thank you for your time.
Petr Šíma
Founder & CEO
DEPO Ventures